This is the day that I finally got to see my Hero, I will never forget that day.... thought I was going to die from happiness!
This page is to tell you how obsessed I am with Marilyn Manson.
C.D.'s and Bootlegs BOOKS
Marilyn Manson - Anti-Christ Svperstar Marilyn Manson - The Long Hard Road....
Marilyn Manson - Ant-Christ Dance Marilyn Manson - The unauthorized biography
Marilyn Manson - Audio Documentary Marilyn Manson - Marilyn Manson
Marilyn Manson - Dead In Chicago Marilyn Manson - The story of Marilyn Manson
Marilyn Manson - Dead to the World
Marilyn Manson - Dead to the World 2
Marilyn Manson - the Dope Show (single)
Marilyn Manson - Get Your Gunn
Marilyn Manson - Hanging Like Jesus from A Cross
Marilyn Manson - HolyWood MOVIES
Marilyn Manson - The Last Tour On Earth
Marilyn Manson - Live from Chile '96 Marilyn Manson - Dead To The World
Marilyn Manson - Long Hard Road Out Of Hell (single) Marilyn Manson - God Is In The TV.
Marilyn Manson - Lunchbox (single) Marilyn Manson - Biography
Marilyn Manson - Mechanical Animals
Marilyn Manson - Monkey Massacre
Marilyn Manson - Obsessional Neurosis
Marilyn Manson - Portrait of an American Family
Marilyn Manson - Remix & Repent T-SHIRTS
Marilyn Manson - Satan's Cheerleader (Colgne Germany '97)
Marilyn Manson - Smells Like Children Sweet Dreams
Marilyn Manson - Tourniquet (single) Flag
Marilyn Manson - Xmas Greetings from Mr. Manson '96 Looking Glass
Goggles Tee
Guns God and Government
SOUNDTRACKS Beautiful People
Blair Witch 2 - Marilyn Manson - Suicide is Painless Omega Manson
Dead Man on Campus - Marilyn Manson - Golden Years Hello My Name Is...
Detroit Rock City - Marilyn Manson - Highway To Hell Sex Is Dead
Lost Highway - Marilyn Manson - Apple Of Sodom, I Put A Spell On You Gold Skull Tee
Howard Stern - Marilyn Manson - Suck For Your SolutionSpawn - Marilyn Manson - Long Hard Road Out Of Hell
The Matrix - Marilyn Manson - Rock is Dead Marilyn Manson Magnet
Big Shiny Tunes - Marilyn Manson - Sweet Dreams from the cover of
Big Shiny Tunes 2 - Marilyn Manson - Beautiful People Mechanical Animals